The Lopez – Cubito Auquet

After a little excursion into Indonesia, it’s time to plow into a little local flavor. The Lopez just released their Kill Yr Selfie EP, which features this tune from their Travel Fast cassette LP:

If you have not checked out the Lopez before, they are a great high energy show. This tune reminds me particularly of Times New Viking and of course I just love it.

Elenin – Kalam

Good morning. More amazing shoegaze indie from Indonesia. This collective band formed just last year in Jakarta features Whistler Post member Andi Hans. Both bands are on Don’t Fade Away Records. Just listen and enjoy. You can find them via their soundcloud and twitter. They do have a website but I can’t get it to load. I was able to confirm with the band that they’ll be posting some music for purchase/download in a couple of weeks. So check back for an update.

Saqqara Mastabas – Uto on the Upswing

Well, hey, check out this good weirdness. Matthew Friedberger (Fiery Furnaces) and Bob D’Amico (Sebadoh) bring it with this new single from their new project Saqqara Mastabas. Their album Libras is coming out soon via Joyful Noise Recordings.

Mitski – Happy / Your Best American Girl

Today is a big day in our neck of the woods with Jen’s son getting married. And what better way to bring in the day than to post some new music from Mitski’s new album Puberty 2. And getting married is sort of like puberty 2 right? In any case, congrats to Tyler and Jen! In your honor, Mitski…

Just the thought of new music from Mitski makes me happy. But wow, this is really good in a totally new way.

Mitski is the product of Mitski Miyawaki and friends (in this case largely Patrick Hyland). I loved her last album, Bury my Heart at Makeout Creek, and so far i’m loving the new content from Puberty 2. And yes her album titles seem to naturally flow from one to the next. Regardless we should be thankful for her incredible inspiring music.

And while we are at it, here is the official video for her other new single “Your Best American Girl”. Puberty 2 is due out on June 17th on Dead Oceans.

Rainbow Reservoir – Coco Sleeps Around

I have a bit of an abiding love for Odd Box Records.  The latest and greatest from the London label is this single for “Coco Sleeps Around” from an upcoming 7″ featuring Rainbow Reservoir.

Super catchy stuff right? If you like that, definitely check out more of the rainbow reservoir. They have an EP up on their bandcamp page that you can listen to and/or download until your Odd Box 7″ arrives.

Let’s triple down on the reservoir of rainbows and some Americana.

Bughummer – Sweet Life

This post, and last Saturday’s post, are a sort of follow up to Lovitt Records putting up lots of archived material on bandcamp. On Saturday, we had the Swedish Dischord wannabes Division of Laura Lee. And just to show there is much more to check out, today we have Bughummer. Here is a quick synopsis from Lovitt Records:

Bughummer, a band from Savannah, Georgia, enjoyed a five-and-a-half year run from 1992 to 1998. Originally formed by guitarist Jon Proctor at the Savannah College of Art and Design as a quartet, the group underwent different line-up changes and settled with Proctor, guitarist Keeley Davis (Engine Down), and drummer Brian Lackey.

This is 90s math rock with intensity. Reminds me a bit of Drives Like Jehu in it’s more aggressive style. But it also has styles we are familiar with from Shipping News too. So if you like something that falls somewhere in between those two bands, you will do well with Bughummer. And if you like this plus the Division of Laura Lee post from Saturday, you may want to dig a little deeper into the Lovitt Records catalog. I know that I will.

And, for more on Bughummer, check out this pretty cool 1995 tour documentary.

Holypalms – Nath Family Tribute/King Cobra Bride

Good morning. Welcome to a new week! Let’s launch this with something inspiring and just plain awesome. Holypalms is the effort of Pavel Eremeev. Eremeev is from Moscow and describes his work as “electro-noise-raga.” Which is helpful since I wasn’t sure how to describe it.

“Tribute to Snake Charmers Music” is my own vision of traditional melodies of the music performed by the caste of snake charmers from India and Nepal. I have imbued these sounds and it somehow entered into my guitar improvisation, and then I developed them, inventing rhythms and background sounds.” – Pavel Eremeev 2015

There isn’t much more to say. This, I believe, is his second release. Listen in via Tenzenmen’s bandcamp page below.

Casey Neill – Mayday (Jig: The Connaughtman’s Rambles)

This morning, we are off to watch Jen run the half-marathon. It’s impressive how hard she has worked to make this happen. I’m not much into jogging myself. Short sprints on grass are more my thing. So I recognize just how awesome an achievement this is. Way to go Jen!

To celebrate, let’s do this up with a proper May Day anthem.

Division of Laura Lee – Guess My Name

Hailing from Vänersborg, Sweden and more than a little influenced by Fugazi. Hard to complain about any of that.

Tribes of the City – unknown version, forgotten dream, from recipe of the golden dream

So, like most audiophiles I imagine, I discover new music from all kinds of sources. One of those that I recently came across is this facebook shoegaze group. If you like shoegaze of any kind it’s worth checking out. I tend to forget where I discover things but I believe this track came via that group. And if not, you should still check out that group. Of course. In any case, Tribes of the City from Riga, Latvia.

If this track isn’t your thing, and it does get a bit spacey for bits of time, I do recommend digging deeper into their catalog. Here is an older track which is a sweet indie thing.