Nothing – Eaten By Worms

Once again we return state-side for some Philadelphia shoe gazers. The band Nothing is a bit heavier and deeper with their sound than the Italian bands I just posted.  They can sound a bit too alt-rocky at first glance, but this song really got to me and I think they are worth more than a casual listen. Be patient with it as it matures.

One track or album doesn’t do them proper justice. Check out “Downward Years to Come” from the same-titled EP:

OK, one more track from Nothing. That sounds profound and it kind of is. This New Order tribute is worth checking out.

Kimono Lights – Aurora

Since we are on the subject of Italian shoegazey music, this song really grew on me fast. The video itself seems to recall elements of Smells Like Teen Spirit with the dancing images.

They have much more for you and yours on bandcamp. “Give Me” features that pretty pop to noisy shoegaze thing pretty well.

EP Highlight: JAMBOX – Spleen EP

Crossposted on Interstellar Radio shower

When it comes to new music from 2016, this is so far one of my favorites. Jambox is from Turin, Italy. This EP really grooves. It’s shoegaze indie rock. Sometimes I really struggle to describe music. OK, maybe all the time. But here is the thing, this is good music. Worth sharing. Let them describe their own EP:

“Spleen” wants to communicate the sense of anxiety, anguish and alienation that is the result of modern life monotony. The music is characterized by heavily distorted dreaming guitars, a strong rythmic section and almost-spoken vocals.

After giving it a listen, visit their bandcamp page and buy some of it!

Broncho – Señora Borealis

Sticking with some psychedelic influences, Oklahoma’s Broncho really delivers on this new video for their song Señora Borealis.

Their new album “Double Vanity” is set to be released in July via Dine Alone Records. They aren’t a psychedelic band per se but have generally strong garage rock influences as with the track below:

One more thing. They also ca be a bit poppy. This very 80s style song and video for example. I love 80s music but I don’t love this. Maybe it would grow on me. It’s certainly catchy. In any case, judge for yourself.

Their Only Dreams – Calculator in the Sky/Cool Crowd

Hailing from LA, Their Only Dreams is an interesting band. They range from psychedelic pop to some admittedly weird indie rock stuff. They released their “T/O/D – Orb 1” EP in February with this poppy psychedelic bit.

They self-label as post-rock and can indeed be a bit funky at times. Here is a sampling from their “Pop Tart” LP.

The Raincoats – Live @ WFMU

Cross-posted on Interstellar Radio Shower

Thinking on early lady punkers. The Raincoats were pretty great. Here they are playing live on WFMU in 1994. Apparently the day after Kurt Cobain, who was a fan, died. They have toured extensively including with LiliPUT whom I just posted about.

The Raincoats originally formed in 1977 while Ana da Silva and Gina Burch were attending Hornsey College of Art in London. Check out The Raincoats website for albums and such. State-side you can get their self-titled record on vinyl via Kill Rock Stars.

Gotobeds – Bodies

Lots of new good music coming from Pittsburgh bands. The Gotobeds are releasing their latest, “Blood // Sugar // Secs // Traffic” on Sub Pop this summer. If you like the music, come on out for their record release party at Brillobox on June 18th.

Pinebender – Mask Tree

Let’s keep this simple. Reaching back into the Lovitt Records Alumni one more time to confront reality with Pinebender.

RIP Marlene Marder (Kleenex/LiliPUT)

Sad news broke last night that Marlene Marder, guitarist for Kleenex/LiliPUT, passed away on Sunday.

Originally formed as Kleenex in Zürich, Switzerland, circa 1978 the band later changed their name to LiliPUT due to legal threats. Marlene Marder was a continuous presence throughout the band’s brief history – or at least from before they learned a fifth song on guitar:

Klaudia invited me to their rehearsing room where I learned the four songs they had on guitar. I went to see the first Kleenex gig, of course. The guitarist was fed up playing four songs over and over again, but the audience went crazy and wanted to hear them all over again. So I asked him for his guitar to replace him and went on stage to join the group. The audience became even crazier, as they were witness of the establishment of the “real” Kleenex.

It’s sad to lose another great musician. If you need some LiliPUT for your collection, you can get it via Kill Rock Stars. At least listen up and celebrate her life and inspiration.

Sounds of Sputnik – Shades of the Cosmos

I’ve been on a shoegaze kick lately. It’s not intentional per se at all. Part of it is just that the shoegaze bands are showing up on my feeds. In any case, Russian artist Sounds of Sputnik (aka Roman Kalitkin) released their “New Born” lp on Monday. This is a collaboration with Ummagma. The whole album is worth a listen, but let’s start with Shades of the Cosmos. Parts of Shades of the Cosmos made me think Seam without the vocals. That works for me at least.