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There's a new hour long show uploaded Mon, Wed, & Fri, and it is then archived.

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The Fugs - Tenderness Junction - Turn On/Tune In/Drop Out [00:00]
Headache - The Head Hurts but the Heart Knows the Truth - That Thing with the Rabbit [04:31]
Farflung - 5 - Proterozoic [08:23]
The Flamin' Groovies - Flamingo - She's Falling Apart [14:00]
Heather Nova - Oyster - Heal [18:46]
Aidan Baker, Stacy Taylor, John Colpitts - Trio Not Trio Yn Gyntaf - Chweched [22:36]
Here & Now - Ufoasis - Nude Temple Dream [31:32]
Bdrmm - I Don't Know - Alps [36:21]
Hawkwind - Warrior On the Edge of Time - Magnu [41:41]
Four Tops - Keeper of the Castle - Ain't No Woman (Like the One I've Got) [49:55]
Rrose - Please Touch - Spore [52:53]
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