This update covers the last few days. Jen worked for the first part of Saturday but has been off since. The goal was to play a lot of games and make progress with my health. We havent played as many as we would like but we have played quite a few. It’s the usual one step forward, two steps back with my health. Herein I whine about it.
11pm. Friday. April 10. 2020.
Overall Friday was my best day in days. I got to my desk immediately as per usual, but I was productive for most of the 3 hours I managed before heading to the couch. I even swapped a load of laundry which was productive. I was experiencing fatigue, but only a moderate amount overall. Though it did catch up to me and I did move downstairs.
Reclined on the couch I managed to complete edits on our next top 100 video. Those take a while but they are perfect for me in this state since most of the time is just listening for edits and title queues.
After that we filmed our following top 100 video. My energy was very good. I did take a larger vitamin D dose yesterday so it must have paid off. Even though I had moderate fatigue my energy was good.
Of course, this is tricksy territory since I’m prone to over doing it. I guess ill find out tomorrow. I was disappointed with my step count at first, but given the general level of activity, I think its best I kept it lowish. But as I said, ill find out if I overdid things tomorrow.
Hopefully all goes well. I would like to string together two productive days in a row. I havent done that in a bit. Ultimately, to get back to work Ill need to be able to do that with some level of predictability and consistency. I’m nowhere close on either right now. Most days I have small windows in the evening at best.
11am. Saturday. April 11. 2020.
I took forever to crawl out of bed this morning. I slowly descended to get coffee. Jen was working but I stopped and sat with her before continuing to my desk. Mostly because I was too tired to move. I’m at my desk now and I have some basic tasks to tackle. But I’m just too tired for the moment. So I am mostly trying to gum up the energy to do something. So far Ive only gotten far enough to write this.
1pm. Saturday. April 11. 2020.
Ive done next to nothing. The fatigue is very heavy today. Back to the couch. I hope to push through a walk but laundry and everything else is off for today. I hopefully rebound later. Hoping I can play some games, but not optimistic right now about that. This is severe.
11pm. Saturday. April 11. 2020.
Today was up and down. The fatigue was very heavy. But it was time for my b-12 injection and that usually gives me energy. I got through a few quick games and one long one before the fatigue outweighed the energy. Then I relied on tea and wine to diffuse the discomfort and that got me through two more long games and a crossword. So overall I did ok for a bad day. But I’m glad its late and bed is calling so I can start fresh tomorrow.
2pm. Sunday. April 12. 2020.
Not surprisingly, I woke tired. But especially fatigued. I was slow to rise. And skipped the shower. I struggled my way through a game of Castles of Burgundy. And despite an eagerness to play more had to rest after. So we rested for a couple of hours. We had wanted to do some videos today but I’m in not shape for it.
6pm. Sunday. April 12. 2020.
Just went for a walk. Not as far as last Wednesday. Tried to keep it to a more gradual step up. Gotta stick with that daily no matter how I feel. We also managed to get in some light gaming after our rest earlier. So that was nice. Back to resting in hopes of maybe getting a couple more games in later. If I can manage.
7pm. Sunday. April 12. 2020.
I’m still tired from the walk and I didn’t even come close to the desired step count. Ill get more steps in. It’s just my reality that even a little can be too much at times. And Ive burnt a lot of non walking energy lately (for me).
12pm. Monday. April 13. 2020.
As my days go, I had a little energy late last night and played a couple of solo games. I never hit my steps goal but I was overall active in a sense. Maybe not in a normal sense though. Anyhow, goal is to get another walk in today. Jen is off of work so I do have to commit to some games – which is agreeable to me. Helps pass the time rather than sulking in misery.
2pm. Monday. April 13. 2020.
Played games for 90 minutes. Having a lot of trouble even conversing right now. My wife was just talking to me and I stared at her and then realized i had no idea what she said. Typing this and keeping short as this is difficult to do.
6pm. Monday. April 13. 2020.
Unfortunately I have not rebounded. We tried doing a mystery box which we’ve done from the couch before. But today is not my day for it.
11pm. Monday. April 13. 2020.
Truthfully, tonight wasn’t great health wise. With my focus issues we had to cancel two zoom calls with family. Very disappointing. Luckily I have a wonderful wife who took care of me with yummy vegan baked ziti and appeased my need to recline for most of the evening. We did manage a few short games which I needed just to make myself feel better about how the day went. It’s effective to end the day with something positive.
And in the end, today, despite extremely heavy fatigue was good enough that I was able to rotate the laundry and play a bunch of mostly small games. Which was better than not doing anything. The couch and I certainly had a boatload of time to work through our issues. But at least I managed some fun through the discomfort. So I don’t always whine!
I think ill see if I can edit some video. It’s a relaxed task I can do from a reclined position and I’d love to get our next top 100 video out tomorrow.